October 18 2012
Meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m.
1. Stephen Michna presentation on homeless awareness started at 6:09.
a. Asked the MCOY to continue the homeless awareness day/night event
b. Handed out an event guide which will hopefully be used to continue the event
c. Worked with PAL needs kids to help carry it on
d. Recommends that future donations be made to FISH who will use the items right away.
e. Wants this to be a regular event for MCOY
f. Maybe invite Kevin Purcell from FISH to discuss homeless issues in Torrington
g. Approximate planning time for event was three months.
2. Jessica Wright from McCall Foundation presentation started at 6:18. Teeshirts were presented to the MCOY members.
a. Came to discuss potential for future collaboration with MCOY on under-age drinking prevention.
b. Would like to hear ideas from the MCOY and she can present them to McCall for funding.
c. Would like to consider ideas for an event that includes Middle School kids & parents.
d. MCOY members agreed that they would bring ideas for a campaign to the next meeting and the full Committee would vote on what they wish to do.
3. Trunk or Treat
a. Saturday 10/27 at 3:00. MCOY to set up and run four or five games for kids:
i. Bobbing for apples
ii. Pin the face on the pumpkin
iii. Balloon / dart board
iv. Toss rat through hoola hoop?
b. If there aren’t enough MCOY kids available, reach out to friend to help out.
4. Sub-committees and bylaws.
a. Draft of the amended bylaws were handed out and MCOY will review them and come to the next meeting with any changes and to vote to adopt revised bylaws.
b. A request for a Special Meeting to happen before the regular November meeting was made.
c. Discussion about adding a few more standing sub-committees included fundraising committee.
5. Fundraising, ideas about fundraising to be brought to the next meeting.
6. New Business.
a. Courage to Speak program maybe something that MCOY can partner with McCall to bring to the high school.
b. Food Drive – for Thanksgiving or over holidays
c. November 8th possible date for Special Meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m.